User Guide to Power Management in PCs and Monitors

Appendix C: Sample BIOS Setup Screens

The following are samples of BIOS 'Setup Screens'. They are reproduced here to show the range and variation of BIOS screens that it is common to encounter when enabling systems for power management.

NEC: Phoenix Ver. 4.05.7 1995 NEC 133Hmz (Setup Access Key <F1>)
PhoenixBIOS Setup Copywright 1985-1995, Phoenix Technologies LTD

WARNING: Item Specific Help
If keyboard Wakeup and Mouse Wakeup are disabled, then only the Sleep button Description Text: will wake the system from sleep mode. Listed for each underlined topic APM [Enabled] Power Savings [Customize] Keyboard Wakeup [Enabled] Mouse Wakeup [Enabled]

Navigation and edit instructions are displayed on the bottom of the Page.

Packard Bell: AMI American Megatrends INC. 1992 Ver. 1.00.03.CPOR 166Mhz Ver. 150MHz Ver. 1.00.07.BYOR 120MHz

Hewlett Packard Pavilion 7125: (Setup Access Key <F3>)

Power Managment Configuration

Advanced Power Management [Enable] Help Options
IDE Drive Power Down [Enable]
VESA Video Power Down [Sleep] Navigation Section Inactivity Timer (Minutes) [0]

IBM SurePath Setup Utility (Setup Access Key <F1>)
BIOS Version BG2US03 03/06/96

Rapid Resume
APM BIOS Mode Rapid Resume [32 BIT PROTECTED] Automatic Power Off [DISABLED] Initialize adapter cards [DISABLED] Standby Timer [DISABLED] Standby Snapshot [DISABLED] Halt CPU While Idle [ENABLE] Monitor Mode [VESA STANDBY] Blink Led in Standby [DISABLED] Wake up on Ring [DISABLED] Indicator [DISABLED] Wake up on alarm [SINGLE EVENT] Alarm Date [01/01/96] Alarm Time [00:00]

Compudyne: PhoenixBIOS Ver. 4.05 R.01, 1995 NEC 133Hmz
1985-1995, (Setup Access
Key <DEL>)

Green PC Options

Power Savings: [Disabled] Idle Timeout: [Disabled] Standby Timeout: [Disabled] Suspend Timeout: [Disabled] Hard Disk Drive Timeout:[Disabled]

COMPAQ: (Setup Access Key <F10>)
Setup Screens were windows based in appearance.  Menu's had
indexed keys for editing.
Screen One
Power Management

Energy Saver Mode ON OK
System Idle Timeout Cancel ON 15 Min OFF More Hard Drive Timeout ON 15 Min OFF Help = F1

Screen Two


Monitor Savings Level Maximum Energy Savings OK
Quick Monitor Response Cancel Standby Features
Blink LED During Energy Save F1

Zenith: Award Software ROM PCI/ISA BIOS, V4.50PG, 2959CB3H (Setup Access Key <DEL>)
Power Management Utility

Power Management: [Disabled] IRQ7 LPT1 OFF PM Controlled by APM [No] IRQ9 IRQ2 Redir OFF Video Off Method [V/H SYNC+Blank] IRQ10 Reserved OFF IRQ11 Reserved OFF Doze Mode: [Disabled] IRQ12 PS/2 Mouse OFF Standby Mode: [Disabled] IRQ13 Coprocessor OFF Suspend Mode: [Disabled] IRQ14 Hard Disk OFF HDD Power Down: [Disabled] IRQ15 Reserved OFF IRQ3 (Wake up events) OFF IRQ4 (Wake up events) OFF Help and Navigation IRQ8 (Wake up events) OFF Section IRQ12 (Wake up events) OFF Power Down Activities IRQ3 COM1: OFF IRQ4 COM2: OFF IRQ5 LPT2: OFF IRQ6 Floppy Disk: OFF

Cannon Innova 350CD: Phoenix Power Mizer (Laptop) Phoenix Setup Utility Ver. 1.0 1994 Phoenix Technologies LTD. (Setup Access Key <Ctrl-alt-S>)
(c) Phoenix Technologies LTD, 1985-1994, All rights reserved
PicoPower "Redwood" Feature Control

Auto Suspend Control [ENABLE] System Idle After: [4 seconds] System Standby After: [1 minutes] System Suspend After: [5 Minutes] Hard Disk Off After: [1 Minutes] Mask Video Access: [DISABLE] Resume Modem Ring: [DISABLE]

Hitachi: Phoenix Ver. 1.36 1996 C-Series Power Panel (Laptop) PhoenixBIOS Ver. 4.04 1995 Phoenix Technologies LTD.
Phoenix Ver. 4.04 1995 Phoenix Technologies LTD

Power Management: [Max Performance] Item Specific Help CPU Suspend: [Fast] Standby Timeout: [15 Minutes] Suspend Timeout: [15 Minutes] Hard Drive Timeout: [5 Minutes] Description Text: Video Timeout: [15 Minutes] Listed for each LCD Brightness Control: [DISABLE] topic as reviewed Audio Power Management: [DISABLE]
Save to Disk [DISABLE] Cover Down Switch [DISABLE] Resume on time: [DISABLE] Resume Time: [00:00:00]
Navigation and edit instructions are displayed on the bottom of the Page.

Sharp PC-3070: Phoenix Power Mizer (Laptop) Phoenix NoteBIOS Ver. 4.0 1995 Phoenix Technologies LTD.
Phoenix Ver. 4.04 1995 Phoenix Technologies LTD
Power Management: [Max Battery Life] Item Specific Help CPU Suspend: [Power Saving] Standby Timeout: [3 Minutes] Suspend Timeout: [2 Minutes] Hard Drive Timeout: [5 Minutes] Description Text: Video Timeout: [1 Minutes] Listed for each LCD Brightness Control: [ENABLE] topic as reviewed Audio Power Management: [ENABLE]
Save to Disk [DISABLE] Cover Down Switch [DISABLE] Resume on time: [DISABLE] Resume Time: [00:00:00]
Navigation and edit instructions are displayed on the bottom of the Page.

Continue to Appendix D: Assumptions for Calculations.

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Return to Appendix B: Resources.
This web page last modified by Brian Pon on April 27, 2000.
Questions? E-mail Alan Meier.