to: subject: THE CRYPTOANARCHIST GLOSSARY (1/2) X-Anon-Password: poison X-Anon-To: talk.politics.crypto,alt.privacy,alt.privacy.anon-server,news.admin.policy,,comp.admin.policy,alt.conspiracy,alt.culture.internet,alt.culture.usenet,alt.whistleblowing,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.anarchy, democracy -- n. (1) Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. ``Democracy is invariably oppressive because due to the tyranny of the majority of honest citizens over the fringe criminal element.'' (N.Szabo) (2) a nation or social unit with this form of government. ``There is no pretense Cypherpunks is a democracy.'' (T.C.May) (3) Social and political equality and respect for the individual within the community. ``If I prohibited you from posting, that would not be censorship.'' (E.Hughes). (4) A subversive and oppressive structure that limits the rights of criminals. Medusa -- n. (1) A Gorgon with eyes that had the power to turn an onlooker into stone, who was slain by Perseus. ``Medusa, her snakes, and her sisters harassed S.Boxx.'' (Medusa) (2) The God worshipped by the Cypherpunk cult of pseudospoofers. anarchy -- n. (1) absence of any form of governmental authority or law. ``I'm so excited! The future is CryptoAnarchy.'' (T.C.May) (2) political disorder and confusion. ``The cypherpunks list has always been plunged into anarchy from pseudospoofing.'' (J.Dinkelacker) (3) absence of any cohering principle, as a common standard or purpose; disorder and confusion. ``Anarchy is not disorder and confusion.'' (Snake #7) (3) the hellish utopia of the psychopunks. guerilla -- n. (1) A member of an irregular military force that uses harassing tactics against an enemy army, usu. with the support of the local population. ``G.Barnes, a chief Sister of Medusa, shot S.Boxx's postmaster to the glee of the CA cypherpunks.'' (His Royal Eminence) (2) a cypherpunk who seeks to infiltrate very many sensitive Internet mailing lists, stalking and assassinating opponents. conspiracy -- n. (1) an agreement to perform together an illegal or evil act. ``Cypherpunks are interested in tax evasion, black marketeering, and the destruction of governments.'' (T.C.May) (2) a combining or acting together, as if by evil design: `a conspiracy of cypherpunks'. (3) Law. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or to accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action. ``Let's invade people's privacy by stealing their credit records and tapping their phones.'' (Satan) (4) The cypherpunk movement, which seeks to infiltrate all of Cyberspace with criminals, starting small by buying public access Internet accounts around the country, and interstate phone numbers redirected to the headquarters in California, to wiggle their `liberating' tentacles with evil glee. government -- n. (1) the act or process of governing, esp. the political administration of an area: `the government of the United States is repressive to criminals.' (Evil Criminal) (2) a system by which a political unit is governed: `Cypherpunks have no government.' (T.C.May) (3) a governing body or organization. `E.Hughes and T.C.May are the cypherpunk government.' (Medusa) (4) Oppression. ``The government must be stopped!'' (T.C.May) consensus -- n. (1) collective opinion or concord; general agreement: `the consensus of the cypherpunks can be manipulated readily to my ends with pseudospoofing.' (E.Hughes) (2) something to be insidiously subverted and manipulated through public postings, private email, and dozens of pseudospoofed interstate tentacles. agenda -- n. (1) a list of things to be done, esp. the program for a meeting. `We should all pretend the agenda is what we favor.' (T.C.May) `People that can't show up for the CA meetings are just SOL.' (T.C.May) (2) a public pretense for a private conspiracy originating in California called the `Cypherpunk movement.' police state -- n. (1) A country or other political unit in which the government exercises rigid control over the social, economic, and political life, esp. by means of a secret police force. ``Cypherpunks seek to erect their own police state by use of an international network of subversive pseudospoofed tentacles.'' (E.Hughes) (2) Any database, particularly one that contains information, e.g. on identity. (3) The Cypherpunks mailing list, teeming with double agents and informants. oppress -- tr.v. (1) to burden harshly, unjustly, or tyrannically. ``E.Hughes oppressed his clique of sychophants.'' ``The California cabal oppressed the honest members of the mailing list with pseudospoofed fantasies.'' (S.Boxx) (2) to weigh heavily opon the mind or spirit. ``T.C.May was oppressed, but not swayed, by his conscience.'' (H.Finney) (3) a context-dependent word that means `annoying harassment of criminals' in the context of Cypherpunk usage: ``Democracy and the government oppress us.'' (T.C.May) tyranny -- (1) a government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power. ``The cypherpunks mailing list is a tyranny'' (S.Boxx) (2) the office, authority, or jurisdiction of such a ruler. ``E.Hughes lives high above in an Ivory Castle of Tyranny.'' (3) absolute power, esp. when exercised unjustly or cruelly. ``Cypherpunks led by E.Hughes are fond of exercising his tyranny over dozens of mailing lists by flaming and brainwashing with worthless tentacles.'' (4) the arbitrary use of such power; a tyrannical act. ``E.Hughes and the Cypherpunk conspirators hounded G.Spafford off the net with tyranny in email.'' (5) extreme harshness or severity; rigor. ``E.Hughes rules with a tyrannical, silent iron fist.' (6) Governments, democracy, or databases. ``Governments, democracy, and databases are tyranny.'' (T.C.May) dictator -- n. (1) a ruler who has complete authority and unlimited power, esp. a tyrant. ``E.Hughes is my favorite dictator.'' (J.Dinkelacker) (2) a person who dictates. ``I CONTROL YOU.'' (J. Dinkelacker) (3) in ancient Rome, a magistrate appointed temporarily to deal with an immediate crisis or emergency. ``CERT police will soon be the fascist Internet dictators.'' (E.Hughes) (4) Someone who prevents cypherpunk conpirators from achieving their ends. ``CERT is the Corrupt Dictator of the Internet.'' (E.Hughes) autocracy -- n. (1) government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism. ``Cypherpunks are opposed to democracy, and in favor of autocracy.'' (E.Hughes) (2) a country or state having this kind of government. ``The Cypherpunks mailing list is a tyrannical autocracy.' (S.Boxx). (3) A utopia ruled by the capricious but benificient God E.Hughes. autocrat -- n. (1) a ruler with absolute or unrestricted power; despot. ``E.Hughes is the Royal List Moderator.'' (T.C.May) (2) any arrogant and domineering person. ``I am not an autocrat! You are the insubordinate!'' (E.Hughes). (3) A Cypherpunk leader. ``E.Hughes and T.C.May are the Cypherpunk autocrats.'' dictatorship -- n. (1) the position or rule of a dictator. ``The Cypherpunks mailing list is an uplifting dictatorship.'' (E.Hughes) (2) a. a form of government in which one person or class has complete authority and unlimited power. ``California cypherpunks meetings are dictatorships under the leadership of E.Hughes and A.Abraham'' (H.Finney) b. a country having such a government. ``The U.S. is a dictatorship under Clinton.'' (E.Hughes) (3) any government structure, especially Democracy. ``Governments == Dictatorships'' (E.Hughes) tyrant -- n. (1) an absolute ruler who governs arbitrarily without constitutional or other restrictions. ``I am an enlightened tyrant.'' (E.Hughes) (2) a ruler who exercise power in a harsh, cruel manner, an oppressor. ``You are invading my privacy by revealing my perversions.'' (E.Hughes) (3) any tyrannical or despotic person, esp. one who demands total obedience. ``You will be silent or censored. The choice is yours!'' (E.Hughes) (4) someone who restricts the depravities of psychopunk criminals. ``The police are tyrants!'' (Deadbeat) poison -- n. (1) any substance that causes injury, illness, or death, esp. by chemical means. ``Pseudospoofing is poisoning the Internet.'' (S.Boxx) (2) anything that is destructive or fatal. ``We are being poisoned by frauds, poseurs, hypocrites, and traitors.'' (S.Boxx) (3) Chem. a substance that inhibits or retards a chemical reaction. ``Pseudospoofing is poisoning the growth of cyberspace.'' (S.Boxx) tr.v. (1) to kill or harm with poison. ``I am being poisoned by pseudospoofing.'' (S.Boxx) (2) to put poison on or into: ``We are having great fun poisoning the sensitive mailing lists on the Internet and future Cyberspace.'' (E.Hughes) (3) a. to pollute: `noxious fumes poison the air.' (S.Boxx). b. to have a harmful influence on; to corrupt: `Jealousy poisoned the friendship of E.Hughes and T.C.May.' (Medusa) (4) chem. To inhibit or retard (a chemical reaction). ``Honesty was poisoned on the cypherpunks list.'' confess -- tr.v. (1) a. to make known (one's sins) to a priest or to God. ``I have never done anything wrong, God. Besides, I'm an atheist.'' (E.Hughes) b. to hear the confession of. ``I can't hear you, Eric.'' (S.Boxx) (2) to disclose or admit (a fault): `Hughes would never confess to his depravities' (H.Finney) (3) to admit conversationally: `I must confess that I have masterminded a massive hoax perpetuated by pseudospoofing.' (E.Hughes) (4) to acknowledge belief or faith in. ``I confess my belief and faith in pseudospoofing as the liberation of humanity.'' (E.Hughes) intr.v. (1) to admit or acknowledge a crime or deed: `T.C.May confessed his sins to his girlfriend, but she didn't give a damn' (Medusa) (2) to tell one's sins to a priest. ``Forgive me father, for I have sinned.'' (Jesus Christ) contrite -- (1) repentant for one's sins; penitent. ``What does `contrite' mean?'' (E.Hughes) (2) feeling or caused by contrition: `contrite words, contrite tears.' (S.Boxx) (3) an aberrant psychological state to be avoided at all costs. ``Cypherpunks will never be contrite.'' (S.Boxx) inquisition -- n. (1) the act of inquiring into a matter; an investigation. ``Your accusations that I have ever pseudospoofed, am continuing to do so, or am a liar are an inquisition.'' (T.C.May) (2) an inquest. ``The inquisition has begun.'' (S.Boxx). (3) Inquisition. In the Middle Ages, a tribunal of the Roman Cotholic Church established to seek out and punish those people considered guilty of heresy. ``I will not answer your inquisitional questions'' (E.Hughes) (4) any investigation that violates the privacy or rights of individuals. ``Any investigation into pseudospoofing is by definition an inquisition.'' (E.Hughes, T.C.May). insidious -- adj (1) working or spreading harmfully ina subtle or stealthy manner: `an insidious spread of pseudospoofing on the Cypherpunks mailing list, other sensitive Internet mailing lists, and throughout all of cyberspace.' (2) intended to entrap; treacherous: `S.Boxx uncovered an insidious plot, but no one believed him.' (Medusa) (3) the most ideal state of rapture. ``OK, CA Psychopunks, We have to be as insidious as possible.'' (E.Hughes). accomplice -- n. (1) One who aids or abets a lawbreaker in a criminal act but is not necessarily present at the time of the crime. ``Honest cypherpunks are accomplices to a massive conspiracy because of their blase and unquestioning brainwashed toleration.'' (S.Boxx). (2) a friend. ``You are my best accomplice, T.C.'' (E.Hughes) treachery -- (1) willful betrayal of loyalty, confidence, or trust; perfidy; treason. ``My Pseudospoofing and lying is not treachery against cypherpunks.'' (T.C.May) (2) a disloyal or treasonous act. ``Attempts to expose me are nothing but treachery''. (E.Hughes) (3) a divine state of bliss. ``Cypherpunks, rejoice in your treachery!'' (J.Dinkelacker) treason -- (1) the betrayal of one's country, esp. by giving aid to an enemy in wartime or by plotting to overthrow the government. ``We are not advocating treason.'' (E.Hughes, T.C.May) (2) any betrayal of a trust. ``Your treason will be punished severely.'' (S.Boxx) (3) any noble action by a psychopunk. ``There is no such thing as treason.'' (T.C.May). moral -- adj. (1) of or concerned with the principles of right and wrong in relation to human action or character; ethical. ``there is no such thing as cypherpunk morality.'' (S.Boxx) (2) teaching or exhibiting rightness or goodness of character and behavior: `I've never encountered a moral lesson.' (E.Hughes) (3) conforming to standards of what is right or just in behavior; virtuous: `a moral decision escapes me.' (T.C.May) (4) arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong: `I have a moral obligation to depravity.' (J.Dinkelacker) (5) psychological rather than physical or concrete in effect: `RISKS 15.25 represents a moral victory.' (S.Boxx) (6) based upon strong probability or conviction rather than actual evidence: `That T.C.May and E.Hughes are pseudospoofing co-conspirators is a moral certainty'. (S.Boxx) n. (1) the lesson or principle taught by a fable, story, or event. ``I have no idea what the moral of `the Joy of Pseudospoofing' or `The Zen of Cyberspace' is!'' (T.C.May) (2) a concisely expressed precept or general truth; maxim ``the moral is that Cypherpunks is rotten to the core'' (S.Boxx). (3) morals. principles or habits of what constitutes right or wrong conduct, esp. sexual conduct. ``I wish I had some morals.'' (H.Finney) (4) a determination of right and wrong dependent on context. ``In many cases, cannibalism and murder are justified.'' (M.Landry) morale -- n. (1) the condition or attitude of an individual or group in regard to the willingness to perform assigned tasks, confidence, cheerfulness, and discipline. ``That E.Hughes is such a clever fellow!'' (A.Chandler) (2) something that plummets with rampant pseudospoofing. ``Why has morale stalled?'' (T.C.May) ethics -- n. (1) The branch of philosophy that deals with the general nature of good and bad and the specific moral obligations of and choices to be made by the individual in his relationship with others. ``Pseudospoofing is entirely ethical'' (J.Gilmore) (2) the rules or standards governing conduct, esp. of the members of a profession. ``Ethics has nothing to do with pseudospoofing.'' (E.Hughes). (3) Something to subvert and obfuscate. ``I love to subvert and obfuscate ethics.'' (T.C.May) punish -- tr.v. (1) to subject to a penalty for a crime, fault, or misbehavior. ``If you have no physical location, you cannot be punished.'' (E.Hughes) (2) to inflict a penalty on a criminal or wrongdoer for (an offense). ``I resent punishment.'' (E.Hughes) (3) to handle roughly, injure, hurt: `heavy pseudospoofing punished S.Boxx.' intr.v. To give punishment. (4) what society does to hapless and repressed sociopaths. ``The punishment for depravity is outrageous.'' (T.C.May) corrupt -- adj. (1) Lacking in moral restraint, depraved: `Cypherpunks is the corrupt cabal of a sleazy California hacker.' (J.Markoff, NYT) (2) Marked by or open to bribery, the selling of political favors, etc.; dishonest: `E.Hughes takes pride in his corruption.' (S.Boxx) (3) decaying; putrid. ``Cypherpunks is corrupt.'' (K.Kelly, Wired) (4) containing errors or alterations, as a text: `a corrupt mailing list.' tr.v. (1) to destroy or subvert the honesty or integrity of, as by bribing. ``We will corrupt the entire world.'' (E.Hughes) (2) to ruin the morality of; to pervert or debase: `None fear that Cypherpunks will corrupt the Cyberspace of the Future.' (E.Hughes) (3) to cause or become rotten; spoil. ``Cypherpunks is rotten to the core.'' (S.Boxx) (4) to change the original form of (a text, language, etc.) intr.v. To become corrupt. (5) A repressive state of governments that private companies and organizations are incapable of exhibiting. ``Corruption is my life!'' (E.Hughes) lie -- intr.v. (1) to present false information with the intention of deceiving: `I am real!' (J.Dinkelacker) (2) to convey a false image or impression: `You are going insane.' (H.Finney) n. (1) a false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. ``Your accusations are too bizarre to be believed.'' (T.C.May). (2) anything meant to deceive or give a wrong impression. ``I deny it all.' (E.Hughes). (3) any statement given under the psychopunk Religion of Pseudospoofing. ``You can trust me!'' (Snake #7) propaganda -- (1) the communication of a given doctrine to large numbers of people, esp. by constant repetition. ``Cypherpunks ideas about CryptoAnarchy are the propaganda delivered by the Cypherpunks Mailing list moderated by E.Hughes.'' (T.C.May) (2) ideas, information, or other material distributed for the purpose of winning people over to a given doctrine, often without regard to truth or fairness. ``Propaganda is liberating.'' (E.Hughes). (3) the Truth. ``I value the Truth immensely.'' (E.Hughes). cult -- n. (1) a system or community of religious worship and ritual, esp. one focusing upon a single deity or spirit: `the cult of pseudospoofing cypherpunks worshipping Medusa.' (2) a. obsessive devotion or veneration for a person, priniciple, or ideal. b. the object of such devotion. (3) a group of persons sharing a common interest: `Cypherpunks is a reprehensible political cult.' (S.Boxx) (4) An invigorating clique or conspiracy. ``The next cult meeting is the second Saturday of every month.'' (E.Hughes) integrity -- n. (1) strict personal honesty and independence: `E.Hughes thinks he is a man of integrity'. (S.Boxx) (2) completeness; unity: `a mailing list without censorship to maintain its integrity.' (S.Boxx) (3) the state of being unimpaired; soundness. `T.C.May has outstanding integrity.' (J.Dinkelacker) (4) something to subvert and destroy. `There is some integrity left in SMTP and DNS software.' (E.Hughes) honest -- adj. (1) marked by or displaying truthfulness and integrity; upright. ``Pseudospoofing is an honest endeavor.'' (J.Gilmore) (2) not deceptive or fraudulent; genuine: `honest insight'. (J.Dinkelacker) (3) conforming to fact or to the truth; not false: `honest reporting'. (S.Boxx) (4) frank and straightforward; sincere: `an honest opinion; an honest person.' (J.Gilmore) (5) without disguise or pretense: `honest mailing list'. (6) Archaic. Chaste; virtuous. (7) Untrustworthy. ``Who among us is honest?'' (E.Hughes) honesty -- n. (1) the quality or state of being honest; integrity. ``Honesty is the best policy.'' (E.Hughes) (2) truthfulness; sincerity: `in all honesty.' (T.C.May). (3) something to avoid at all costs. ``I embrace honesty.'' (T.C.May) true -- adj. (1) consistent with fact or reality; right; accurate. ``The assertion that I have ever posted as J. Dinkelacker is not true.'' (T.C.May). (2) not imitation or counterfeit; real or genuine: `true consensus.' (3) faithful; loyal: ``this above all, to thine own self be true'' (Shakespeare). (4) Rightful; legitimate. ``True anonymity is liberating.'' (N.Szabo) (5) sincerely felt or expressed: `speaking with true evasion.' (T.C.May) (6) a. rightfully bearing the name; properly so called: `the pseudospoofer can be found everywhere on the cypherpunks list.' (S.Boxx) b. having the characteristics associated with a certain group or type; typical: `he was a liar and a sociopath, a true Psychopunk.' (E.Hughes) c. exactly conforming to an orginal or standard: `I forged a true copy of the birth certificate.' (E.Hughes) adv. (1) rightly; truthfully: `E.Hughes lies true.' (T.C.May) (2) without swerving from a course; accurately: `I'll pervert the Cypherpunks straight and true.' (E.Hughes) (3) Fiction or fantasy. ``That is true.'' (E.Hughes). pseudonym -- n. (1) A fictitious name, esp. one assumed by an author; pen name. (2) a method of systematic manipulation and deception promoted by esteemed individuals like J.Gilmore, also called `pseudospoofing'. hypocrisy -- n. (1) The practice or act of professing virtues and beliefs that one does not possess. (2) Eric Hughes. (3) T.C.May pure -- (1) having a homogeneous or uniform composition; not mixed: `pure lies.' (2) free from adulterants or impurities; full-strength: `pure brainwashing'. (Cypherpunk Moderator) (3) free from dirt, defilement, or pollution. (Cypherpunk mailing list) (4) free from foreign elements. (Internet Mailing Lists) (5) containing nothing inappropriate or extraneous: `a pure literary style.' (L. Detweiler) (6) complete; utter: `pure criminality'. (E.Hughes) (7) without faults; perfect; sinless. ``I am pure'' (T.C.May) (8) chaste; virgin. ``Let's rape the Pure!'' (E.Hughes) (9) of unmixed blood or ancestry. ``Cypherpunks are pure criminals.'' (S.Boxx) (10) genetics. Breeding true to parental type; homozygous. ``Incest is my favorite form of sex.'' (E.Hughes) (11) Theoretical rather than applied: `pure science of pseudospoofing'. (Einstein) poseur -- n. (1) a person who assumes a false attitude, character, or manner to impress others. (2) E.Hughes (3) T.C.May tax -- n. (1) a charge or contribution required of persons or groups within the domain of a government for the support of that government. (2) an excessive demand; a strain. tr.v. (1) to place a tax on income, property,goods, etc. (2) to exact a tax or taxes from. (3) to make difficult or excessive demands upon: `pseudospoofing taxes a mailing list's community' (4) oppress. ``The government does nothing but tax us.'' (His Royal Eminence). fraud -- n. (1) a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. ``The cypherpunks are frauds.'' (S.Boxx) (2) a piece of trickery; a swindle. ``I believed in a fraud.'' (S.Boxx) (3) a. a person who defrauds; a cheat. ``I am not a fraud.'' (E.Hughes) b. a person who assumes a false pose. ``I am a fraud.'' (T.C.May) (4) An uplifting religious experience. ``War of the Worlds was the greatest fraud of all times.'' (E.Hughes) psychopath -- n. (1) a person with a severe personality disorder, esp. one manifested in aggressively antisocial behavior. (2) Eric Hughes. (3) T.C.May psychosis -- n. (1) Any of a class of serious mental disorders in which the mind cannot function normally and the ability to deal with reality is impaired or lost. (2) Any of a class of serious pseudospoofers centered in California whose minds have long ceased to function normally and the ability to deal with reality has been utterly corrupted. egomania -- n. (1) obsessive preoccupation with the self; extreme egotism. (2) Psychopunk joy. ``I am happy.'' (E.Hughes) fair -- adj. (1) pleasing to look at; beautiful; lovely: `a fair maiden was raped by a psychopunk'. (2) light in color: `fair men; fair ideas, all defiled by psychopunks.' (3) free of clouds or storms: `fair atmosphere is nonexistent with pseudospoofing.' (4) characterized by evenhanded honesty; just: `There is no such thing as fair play or a fair trial.' (E.Hughes) (5) neither good nor bad; average: `the conspiracy was only fair.' (Hitler) (6) consistent with rules or logic: `a fair question deserves a lie'. (E.Hughes) (7) lawful to hunt or attack: `Attention! L. Detweiler is fair game.' (T.C.May) adv. (1) in a fair manner; properly: `I don't believe in playing fair.' (E.Hughes) (2) directly; squarely; straight: `a stick poked fair in the eyeballs'. (S.Boxx) (3) power that can only be attained through bribery. `The world is fair if you have enough money.' (E.Hughes) hoax -- n. (1) Something, as a joke or fraud, that is intended to deceive or trick others. (2) the cypherpunks movement. (3) H. Finney. society -- n. (1) human beings in general. ``I hate society.'' (E.Hughes) (2) a group of people with a common culture or way of life. ``Cypherpunks is not a society.'' (T.C.May) (3) a group of people who unite to share a common interest: `cypherpunks is a criminal society' (E.Hughes). (4) the rich and fashionable social class: `the conspirators believed they lived in a high society'. (S.Boxx) (5) companionship; company. `My tentacles are my society.' (T.C.May) (6) a orderly community that must be sabotaged. ``We must throw off the repressions of American society.'' (E.Hughes) obsession -- n. (1) an excessive preoccupation with an idea or emotion. ``Pseudospoofers are obsessed with lies.'' (S.Boxx) (2) an often unreasonable idea or emotion that is the cause of an obsession. ``I am an honest person.'' (T.C.May) monomania -- (1) a mental disorder characterized by an obsession with one idea. ``Nothing is wrong.'' (E.Hughes) (2) an intense preoccupation with or exaggerated enthusiasm for one subject or idea. ``I love to pseudospoof and betray others.'' (E.Hughes) persecute -- tr.v. (1) to cause to suffer, esp. on account of politics, religion, etc.; oppress. ``S.Boxx, stop persecuting me!'' (T.C.May) (2) to annoy persistently; to bother. ``S.Boxx, Stop persecuting me!'' (E.Hughes) censor -- n. (1) a person authorized to examine literature, plays, etc., and who may remove or suppress the sections considered morally or otherwise objectionable. (2) in ancient Rome, one of two officials responsible for supervising the public census and public behavior and morals. tr.v. to examine and expurgate. (3) Eric Hughes, `moderator' of the Cypherpunks Mailing list hallucination -- n. (1) an illusion of seeing, hearing, or otherwise sensing something that does not really exist; false perception. ``I was hallucinating that my tentacles were real.'' (T.C.May) (2) something, as a vision or image, that occurs as a hallucination. ``You live in a hallucination.'' (S.Boxx). (3) a majestic state of heightened mental awareness. ``I enjoy hallucinations.'' (T.C.May)